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Context and Scope

Aster DM Healthcare Limited and its group of companies (hereafter referred to as “Aster DM Healthcare”, “us”, “we” or “our”) are committed to upholding the privacy of each individual who entrusts us with their Personal Information (as detailed in Section 5) or other data. Protection of your privacy is paramount to us and we are committed to safeguarding the information shared with us by individuals we interact with (the user). To this end, we adhere to the legal frameworks, statutes, and regulations that apply in Indian regions where Aster DM conducts business (please see the annexure for details).

The Privacy and Cookie Policy (“Policy”) applies to the gathering, storage, processing, disclosure, and transfer of your Personally Identifiable Information (as defined later in this document), particularly when you access the websites and microsites operated by Aster DM for any information or services (“Services”).

The terms 'you' or 'your' refer to you, the user (registered or not) of the website and/or services.

1. Access 

We gather your ‘Personal Information’ directly from you, through third-party sources, and automatically via our website. This information might include but is not limited to, details such as the type of device you are using, the exact time you visit the website, your IP address, cookies, and other personal information mentioned in Section 5. You can access the personal information shared with us as described below. You can choose to share additional personal information with us at [email protected].


2. Consent

By selecting the opt-in choice on the website, you subsequently provide us with your Personal Information to use Aster DM’s services or employ the functionalities offered by the website, it is deemed to be agreed to manage your personal information. This includes the collection, storage, processing, disclosure, and transfer of your personal information, all in alignment with the terms of this policy and any future modifications.

You affirm that submitting personal information is a voluntary action, taken with a full understanding of how we will utilize such information. By consenting, you agree that the management of your personal and private data in compliance with the stipulations of this Policy does not bring you any harm. However, we are not liable for any losses that might arise due to your incorrect provision. We will seek your express permission before sharing any personal information, including sensitive personal information as defined in Section 5.


3. Control over your Personal Information

Aster DM upholds a strong commitment to honoring your legal rights concerning personal data. We are dedicated to safeguarding these rights and facilitating compliance should you choose to invoke any rights provided under the applicable data protection laws. For instance, this includes but is not limited to:

  • Submitting a request to obtain a copy of the personal information we maintain about you, and details on how we utilize or disclose that information. .

  • If you need to amend or bring up to date any personal information we have about you, please feel free to file a correction request. You can do this either in writing or by sending an email to [email protected] .

Kindly be advised that under certain regulations, there might be a nominal charge for processing requests for access to personal data. We will communicate any such fee to you before we proceed with your request. Our goal is to fulfill your access request promptly and by any timelines established by applicable privacy laws and regulations. If we’re unable to meet your request within thirty (30) days, we will provide you with a written explanation as soon as it is practical. If it is not feasible for us to supply the personal information you have requested or to carry out the correction you have asked for, we will give you the reasons for our inability, unless we are exempt from doing so by law.

Please be aware that the nature of your request will determine the extent of access provided to the personal information. This means we may grant access only to the personal information within the documents you have requested rather than the entire document. For instance, the company might not be required to give an employee access to disciplinary records, investigation reports, or termination decisions if these documents were created to evaluate or investigate the employee.

You are entitled to revoke your consent at any time. To do so, please notify us by writing an email to [email protected], expressing your desire to withdraw your consent. Upon withdrawal of your consent for us to use your personal information, we reserve the right to cease fulfilling the objectives for which the information was originally collected. Consequently, this may result in limitations on your access to our services, website, or certain parts thereof.


Withdrawing consent by Job Applicants:

Your authorization for us to gather, use, and disclose your personal information is effective until you formally revoke it by writing to us. As an applicant for employment, you have the authority to retract your consent and instruct us to discontinue processing and/or divulging your personal information for any of the indicated purposes by requesting in writing or via email to [email protected].

Upon receiving your written notice to withdraw consent, we may need a reasonable period to address your request based on its complexity and how it will affect our relationship. Following the processing of your request, we will inform you about the potential effects, which may include legal repercussions that could alter your rights and obligations toward us.

We respect your choice to withdraw consent, however, we would like to point out that, depending on the scope and nature of your withdrawal, we may be unable to continue with certain activities, such as processing your job application. If your consent withdrawal results in such a situation, we will inform you before finalizing the processing of your request as defined earlier. If you change your mind and wish to reverse the withdrawal of consent, please reach out to us in writing following the procedure described above.

Remember that revoking your consent does not curtail our entitlement to continue collecting, using, and disclosing personal information when such actions are permissible or obligated under applicable law without needing your consent.

4. Changes to the Policy

We maintain the authority to modify this Policy periodically. Your rights under this Policy will not be diminished without your clear agreement. We consistently note the date of the most recent updates and we make previous versions available for your inspection. In the event of substantial changes, we will ensure to give more noticeable notifications, including email alerts for changes to certain services, where applicable.

5. Personal Information Collected

  • Name of Patient/Doctor/Caregiver/Health Care Professional.

  • Birth date/age.

  • Gender.

  • Address.

  • Phone/mobile number.

  • Email address.

  • Physical, physiological, and mental health conditions, provided by you and/or your health care professional.

  • Personal medical records and history.

  • Valid financial information at the time of purchase of product/service and/or online payment.

  • Login ID and password.

  • User details as provided at the time of registration or thereafter.

  • Records of interaction with Aster DM representatives.

  • Your usage details such as time, frequency, duration and pattern of use, features used, and the amount of storage used.

  • Master and transaction data and other data stored in your used account.

  • Any other information that is willingly shared by you (collectively referred to as “personal information”).

  • Biometrics data.

  • Genetic data.

  • Transgender status.

  • Intersex status.

  • Caste or tribe.

  • Religious or political belief or affiliation.

  • Sexual orientation.

  • Marital status.

  • Citizenship status.

  • Family personal information (as the need may be) (collectively referred to as “Sensitive Personal Information”).


When you apply for a job, we may gather personal information about you that includes, but is not limited to:

  • Name or alias, gender, passport number, date of birth, age, nationality and country and city of birth, photographs.

  • Mailing address, telephone numbers, email address, and other contact details.

  • Resume, educational qualifications, professional qualifications and certifications, and employment and/or character references.

  • Employment and training history.

  • Criminal records.

  • Details related to credentialing and privileging for doctors, nursing staff, and pharmacists.

  • Work-related health issues and disabilities.

  • Family background for your next of kin and list of qualified dependent/s including their pertinent information.

  • Results of exams and other diagnostic test/s for aptitude, IQ, behavior, DHA/MOH eligibility, etc

6. How we collect Personal Information

The methods by which we collect your Personal Information include but are not limited to the following:

  • When you fill out the patient registration form.

  • When you provide details to an Aster DM Health Care Professional or Aster DM Representative.

  • When you register on our website, or use our App, or our Chatbot.

  • When you provide your Personal Information to us while receiving our services.

  • When you apply for a job using our job portal.

  • When you use the features on our website.

  • When you provide access to any other website.

  • By the use of cookies (more fully detailed in Section 9 of this Policy).


7. Use of Personal Information and Grounds for Lawful Processing of Personal Data:

  • To deliver effective services.

  • To manage, enhance, and refine our website and/or services.

  • To conduct research, studies, and analysis to improve our information, services, and technologies, ensuring the content is tailored to your interests and preferences.

  • To communicate with you via phone, SMS, WhatsApp, or email regarding appointments, technical matters, payment reminders, special deals, and other notifications.

  • To distribute promotional messages on behalf of us or our channel partners through SMS, WhatsApp, or email.

  • To market the products and services of Aster DM and its affiliated third parties.

  • To transfer your information if we are bought out or merging with another country.

  • To exchange information with our business associates to provide specific services you have requested, allowing them to deliver efficient services to you.

  • To fulfill our responsibilities under any contract you have with us.

  • To develop your profile on our website.

  • To comply with legal inquiries and court orders, to protect our legal rights, or to defend against legal claims.

  • To take action against illegal activities, suspected fraud, terms of use infringements, breaches of our agreement with you, or as mandated by law.

  • To compile personal information for research, statistical analysis, and business intelligence goals, or to share such data in a summarized or non-personally identifiable form with third parties and affiliates, (collectively referred to as “purposes”).

For job applicants, your personal information will be collected and used by us for purposes such as:

  • Assessing your fit for employment in any current or prospective roles within the organization.

  • Confirming your identity and the accuracy of your personal details and other provided information, and where necessary, disclosing your data to third parties for these purposes.


8. Sharing and Transferring of Personal Information

  • By voluntarily agreeing to share your personal information with us, you give us permission to disseminate, transfer, and disclose part or all of your personal information internationally from India to others worldwide. This is in collaboration with our Cloud Service Provider, affiliates, agents, third-party service providers, partners, legal authorities, banks and financial institutions, or any relevant entities. This action is undertaken for the purposes outlined in this Policy or as necessitated by relevant laws and regulations.

  • You recognize that certain countries to which your Personal Information may be transferred might not maintain data protection policies or laws as comprehensive as those in India. You agree that it is sufficient that when we, Aster DM, transfer your personal information to another entity, whether within or outside your country of residence, we will impose contractual obligations alongside technical and organizational measures on the receiving party. These obligations will require the transferee to comply with the conditions of this Policy.

9. Use of Cookies

We may place temporary or permanent “cookies” on your computer. You have the option to delete or block these cookies, and you can set your browser to notify you when we attempt to send a cookie, giving you the choice to accept or reject it. Be aware that disabling cookies may limit your ability to use certain features of the website. As part of displaying advertisements or optimizing services for its users, Aster DM may allow authorized third parties to place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser/device. It is important to note that Aster DM does not store personally identifiable information within these cookies. Additionally, Aster DM does not have control over the websites that appear as search results or links from its services. These websites may use their cookies or other files on your computer, collect data, or request your personal information, for which Aster DM bears no responsibility or liability. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any external sites.

10. Security

  • The security of your personal information is a top priority to us. To safeguard the personal information we collect, Aster DM has implemented reasonable security measures, including managing access, sharing information on a strict need-to-know basis, employing password protections, and utilizing encryption techniques. Access to your personal information is strictly limited to our employees and our affiliates as well as agents, third-party service providers, partners, and agencies, and only when such access is necessary for the purposes outlined in this Policy.

  • Although we are committed to taking all sensible and proper steps to protect the information we hold about you to block unauthorized access, you must recognize that the internet is not entirely secure. We cannot guarantee the complete security of your personal information. We will not be held responsible for any security breaches, accidental losses, or disclosures of information that occur due to factors outside our control concerning your personal information.


11. Third party references and Links

  • During your interactions with us, there may be occasions when we reference third parties or fiduciaries or provide links and hyperlinks to third-party websites. Similarly, you might also share links and hyperlinks to third-party websites. The mention of these third parties or the inclusion of such third-party external sites (whether by you or by us) does not constitute an endorsement by Aster DM. These third parties and their website operate under their terms and conditions. We do not make any claims about the availability or performance of these third parties or their websites. We bear no responsibility for the content, terms of use, privacy policies, or practices of these third-party websites.

  • Do Not Track Requests: Currently, there is no uniform set of guidelines for how online services should respond to “Do Not Track” signals — these are preferences you can set to avoid tracking across multiple websites and online services. Due to this lack of standardization, we do not adhere to “Do Not Track” requests at this time. However, as guidelines for these signals are developed, we will assess our policies and update this notice should our approach change.


12. Children’s Privacy

We place a high priority on ensuring the privacy and safety of children, who interact with our website or services. We do not willfully collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18, nor do we target or solicit information from minors. If Aster DM discovers that we have received personal information from an individual under the age of 18 without the consent and participation of a parent or guardian, we will eliminate that information from our systems as quickly as possible. If you believe that we may have unintentionally collected information from or about a child under 18, You can do this either in writing or by sending an email to [email protected]


13. Compliance with the applicable Laws:

If any terms of this Policy do not comply with the laws applicable in India, you are prohibited from using the services provided by the website.


14. Term of storage of Personal Information

Aster DM will retain your personal information for a minimum duration of three years following the last usage of the services or website, or for a longer period if mandated by legal requirements.
