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Corporate Governance


Aster DM Healthcare Limited

The members of the Board of Directors of Aster DM Healthcare Limited acknowledge and accept the scope and extent of their duties as Directors. They have a responsibility to carry out their duties in an honest and businesslike manner and within the scope of their authority, as set forth in the laws of India as well as in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company.

They are entrusted with and are responsible for the oversight of the assets and business affairs of Aster DM Healthcare Limited in an honest, fair, diligent and ethical manner. As Directors, they must act within the bounds of the authority conferred upon them and with the duty to make and enact informed decisions and policies in the best interests of the Company. The Board of Directors has adopted the Code of Conduct and the Directors and senior managers are expected to adhere to the standards of care, loyalty, good faith and the avoidance of conflicts of interest that follow.

Board of Directors

Aster DM Healthcare Limited Board of Directors

Dr. (Mr.) Mandayapurath Azad Moopen

Founder Chairman and Managing Director

Ms. Alisha Moopen

Managing Director & Group CEO

Mr. Thadathil J. Wilson

Non-Executive Director

Mr. Shamsudheen Bin Mohideen Mammu Haji

Non-Executive Director

Mr. Anoop Moopen

Non-Executive Director

Dr. Zeba Azad Moopen

Non-Executive Director

Mr. Chenayappillil John George

Independent Director

Mr. James Mathew

Independent Director

Mr. Emmanuel David Gootam

Independent Director

Ms. P H Vijaya Deepti

Independent Director

Mr. Maniedath Madhavan Nambiar

Independent Director

Mr. Sunil Theckath Vasudevan

Independent Director

Board Committees

Mr. James Mathew


Mr. Chenayappillil John George


Dr. Layla Mohd. Hassan Ali Almarzooqi


Ms. Alisha Moopen


Mr. James Mathew


Mr. Thadathil J Wilson


Mr. Anoop Moopen


Mr. Chenayappillil John George


Mr. Sridar Arvamudhan Iyengar


Dr. Mandayapurath Azad Moopen


Mr Shamsudheen Bin Mohideen Mammu Haji


Dr. Layla Mohd. Hassan Ali Almarzooqi


Mr. Anoop Moopen


Prof. Biju Varkkey


Mr. Sridar Arvamudhan Iyengar


Dr. Mandayapurath Azad Moopen


Mr. James Mathew


Ms. Alisha Moopen


Mr. T J Wilson


Mr. Sreenath Pocha Reddy


Prof. Biju Varkkey


Dr. Mandayapurath Azad Moopen


Mr. Sridar Arvamudhan Iyengar


Mr. Azad Moopen


Ms. Alisha Moopen


Mr. Sridar Arvamudhan Iyengar


Prof. Biju Varkkey


Annual Returns

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Annual Returns 2021 - 2022

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Annual Returns 2020 - 2021

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Annual Returns 2019 - 2020

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Annual Returns 2018-2019

Secretarial Compliance Reports

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Secretarial Compliance Reports 2021 - 2022

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Secretarial Compliance Reports 2020 - 2021

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Secretarial Compliance Reports 2019 - 2020

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Secretarial Compliance Reports 2018-2019

Governance Documents & Policies

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CSR Projects approved by the Board FY 2022-23

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CSR Projects Approved for FY 2021-22

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CSR Projects Approved by the Board for FY 2020-21

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Familiarization Program Independent Directors FY 2021-22

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Familiarization Program Independent Directors FY 2020-21

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Familiarization Program Independent Directors 2019-20

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Familiarization Program Independent Directors 2018-19

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Articles of Association

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Code of Conduct for Directors & Senior Management

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Code for prevention of Insider Trading

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Code of practices & procedures for fair disclosure of UPSI

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Letter of appointment of Independent Directors

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Payment to Non-executive Directors

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Policy on Nomination, Remunartion & Evaluation

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Whistle Blower policy

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Dividend Distribution policy

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Policy for determination of materiality

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Policy on material subsidiaries

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Policy on dealing with Related party transactions

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Document Retention & Archival Policy

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CSR Policy

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ESG Policy

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Aster DM Business Responsibility & Sustainability Policy
